STL is a certification body accredited by the Singapore Accreditation Council. We offer Test Certificates and Certification of Conformity. As a Certification Body, STL certifies products per established local and international standards and requirements. Our Test Certificates are accepted and recognised by local and overseas authorities and consultants.
STL Potable Water Fittings Scheme

Water fittings are assessed in accordance with PUB’s Stipulation of Standards & Requirements for Water Fittings for Use in Potable Water Service Installations. Water fittings that meet the requirements will be able to apply for STL’s Potable Water Fittings Scheme Test Certificate.
STL Certificate Of Conformity

We offer type testing of mechanical products. Products that are tested and meet the necessary full testing standard requirement will qualify for a STL Certificate of Conformity.
STL Test Certificate

Sometimes, a test report carries much information that a reader may find difficult to understand. A Test Certificate simplifies the information and is issued to a test report bearing a ‘pass’ result. The owner of the test report would only need to share the Test Certificate to show proof that his product has passed the test.